Not just for Vegans!
So before we get into why our sweets are not just for Vegans, lets go through the facts!
In the UK in 2019, it had been said that there were around 600,000 Vegans and by 2025 it is projected that a quarter of the British population will be Vegan.
After a recent poll on our social media we came to learn that over 70% of our followers were not actually Vegan.
Now this showed us two things; one we had great tasting sweets and two everyone is trying to make a conscious effort to lower their intake of animal products by trying the Vegan alternative.
Our aim when we launched our company was not to target the Vegan market, but the confectionary market as a whole. We came to find out that our sweets were not an alternative to regular sweets, just simply a superior product.
Not only are they better tasting but during the production of all of our products, there has been no harm done along the way.
With this rise of Netflix documentaries such as Seaspiracy, Cowspiracy, Game Changers and so much more, it is clear that the rise in Veganism is growing at a rapid rate.
We do not follow suit of other brands by discriminating against those who are not Vegan. We employ staff regardless if they are Vegan or not and we have regular debates at the Hq about the pros and cons of being Vegan. Our aim is to increase the consumption of products that don't come from an animal source therefore decreasing the consumption of products that do.
If everybody made a conscious effort to lower their intake of animal products the world would simply be a better and greener place.
No one can force you to become Vegan however every little substitution does help to make a positive impact and what a better place to start then here!
There are popular diets, such as being a Flexitarian or Pescatarian, which are great ways to start and will help you bridge the gap before taking the final leap.
At our pop-up Stall in St.Pancras we often hear "but i'm not Vegan" when we introduce our sweets to someone, and this is what we want to change.
We cannot emphasise this enough; you do not have to be Vegan to try our products and to love them. To eat Vegan products does not mean you're now a Vegan, times are changing and there are great Vegan products and brands available on the market. We want to completely abolish the negative stereotypes around being Vegan and help to encourage you to explore the wide variety of incredible Vegan products that are just under your noses.
So we hope that by offering amazing products, that are not seen as alternatives but that are seen as the superior option, we can help to spread Veganism.
Unfortunately, the discriminatory ways of a small handful of vegans actually puts people off becoming vegan and builds a negative stereotype instead of helping to promote all of the positives.
We are kindly asking for everyone who is Vegan and reading this, to promote Veganism in a more positive and approachable way as at the end of the day, we all have different beliefs and this should be respected.😊
Everyone is entitled to deciding if and when they are ready to take the leap as you once did into the life of green.
Vegan All Sorts.
#NotJustForVegans 💚